New York State Morgan Horse Society

The New York State Morgan Horse Society

Preserving, promoting & perpetuating the Morgan Horse

Sport Horses

Morgan versatility shines in the Sport Horse divisions

Whether you’re a classical dressage fan or an event rider, a competitive or pleasure trail rider, or have another sport you enjoy in an equine partnership, Morgans can do it all!

Denny Emerson Webinar on March 1st

Join us online on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 7 PM EST for this special webinar with DENNY EMERSON!  The New York State Morgan Horse Society is pleased and excited to bring you another opportunity to learn from legendary equestrian, clinician, and author Denny...

Denny Emerson Webinar February 3rd

Join us online on February 3, 2024 at 7 PM EST for this special webinar with DENNY EMERSON!  The New York State Morgan Horse Society is pleased and excited to bring you the opportunity to learn from legendary equestrian, clinician, and author Denny Emerson. You...

Morgan Miles Across New York 2023

A new trail adventure brought to you by the NYSMHS!Many of us enjoy our Morgans on the trails, but organized trail rides and trail ride high points have goneaway. This new challenge is an opportunity to track your miles and share the results with friends. Thisvirtual...
Greentree Joyful carriage driving

The Kings of Carriage Driving

Like everything else they do, Morgan horses excel in carriage driving and are respected around the world for their stamina, intelligence, quickness and athleticism. Their strong bonds to their humans make them ideal for recreational and competitive carriage driving.

Sport Horse Committee Chair

Robin Anne McNabb

Morgans & Carriage Driving

Pleasure DrivingThere are many ways to enjoy your Morgan carriage horse in competition. Pleasure Shows can contain a wide range of classes, including paces, ring classes (such as Reinsmanship), driven dressage, and obstacles (such as a scurry or pick your route). Drivers in Pleasure Shows often compete in beautifully restored antique vehicles, but modern vehicles are also widespread. 

Combined Driving Events (CDEs) are based on ridden three-day eventing and consist of driven dressage, a marathon phase with obstacles, and timed obstacles. Different, shorter versions of CDEs include Driving Trials, Arena Driving Trials, and Combined Tests. Driving Derbies, which are modeled after World Cup Driving in Europe, are becoming more popular in the United States. This type of competition consists of a combined course of cones and marathon-type obstacles driven at speed and can be thrilling for driver and spectator alike.

More information about the different types of carriage driving competitions, as well as other basic information of interest to drivers, can be found here.

If competition does not appeal to you and you’d rather just hitch up your Morgan and go for a drive in the country, New York State has several parks that have trails suitable for carriages. While there are many more parks that have equestrian trails, trails for carriage driving must have the proper width and footing. The American Driving Society lists these New York parks in their Northeast Trail Guide:

New York State and surrounding states sport many local driving clubs that often organize recreational drives for their members. These clubs can be a great resource to find safe and fun places in your area to enjoy your Morgan carriage horse. The American Driving Society has a list of northeastern driving clubs here, and some of their members are bound to be Morgan owners!

2024 Sport Horse Shows & Events

MAY - Carriage Driving
May 7: Beginner Driving Clinic, Thomas Bull Memorial Park Horse Arena, Montgomery, NY.

May 13: WNYCCA Spring Warm-up Combined Test, Avon Driving Park, Avon, NY

May 13-14: GMHA Combined Test and Arena Driving Trial, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock, VT. Contact Kelly Cyr, 802-457-1509, ext. 203,

May 14: 10th Annual Bruce Haak Memorial Pleasure Drive, Chenango Valley State Park, NY. Details TBA.

May 19-21: Cherry Valley Carriage Association Clinic, Cazenovia College Equine Education Center, Cazenovia, NY. Clinician: Tracey Morgan.

May 20: Gladstone Horse Driving Trial, Hamilton Farm Golf and Equestrian Center, Gladstone, NJ. Contact Gayle Stinson, 908-752-2653,

May 28: WNYCCA ECHO #1, Avon Driving Park, Avon, NY

MAY - Classical Dressage
May 25: Dressage Days at Stockade I, USDF #330444, Levels: Intro - Grand Prix, Glenville, NY

May 26: Dressage Days at Stockade II, USDF #1873, Levels: Intro - Grand Prix, Glenville, NY

May 31: Houghton University Spring Dressage I, USDF #2315563, Levels: Intro - Grand Prix, Houghton, NY

May 31: NEDA Spring Dressage Competition #1, USDF #273282, Levels: Training - Grand Prix, Halifax, MA

JUNE - Carriage Driving
June 1: CVCA Cones and Obstacles Clinic, Sheffield Farm, Ithaca, NY. Clinicians: Sarah Bates and Bruce Jones.

June 8-9: Spring Competitive Ride & Drive, Green Mountain Horse Association, South Woodstock, VT. Contact Ally LaFlair, 802-457-1509,

June 9: Myopia Carriage Classic, Appleton Farm, Ipswich, MA. Contact Letizia Donati, or for prize list.

June 9: WNYCCA ECHO #2, Raspberry Hill, Penfield, NY

June 15-16: Summer Sporthorse Weekend Clinic, Stockade Polo & Saddle Club, Scotia-Glenville, NY. Clinicians: Jeff Morse, Keith Angstadt, Katie Rocco (USDF r judge), Kaylee Angstadt. Contact Gina Handy,

June 16: Barneveld Horsemen's Association CT & Pleasure Show, Caernarvon Horse Park, Barneveld, NY.

June 21-23: Brookfield Competitive Trail Ride/Drive, Pure Country Campground, New Berlin, NY. Contact Joanna Lasher, 518-882-1515,

June 23: SNECDA Pleasure Show, Spencer, MA. Contact

June 23: Northampton Driving Society Pleasure Show, Silver Show Farm, Batavia, NY.

June 28-30: Vermont Morgan Heritage Days, Tunbridge Fairgrounds, Tunbridge, VT. Contact Jennifer Hopper, 802-598-1939.

JUNE - Classical Dressage
June 1: Houghton University Spring Dressage II, USDF #329488, Levels: Intro - Grand Prix, Houghton, NY

June 1: NEDA Spring Dressage Competition #2, USDF #335527, Levels: Training - Grand Prix, Halifax, MA

June 14: GMHA June Dressage Day, USDF #331551, Levels: Training - Grand Prix, South Woodstock, VT

June 15: GMHA June Dressage Show, USDF #323302, Levels: Training - Grand Prix, South Woodstock, VT

June 15: HITS Saugerties Dressage June, USDF #327546, Levels: Young Horse - Grand Prix, Saugerties, NY